On Tuesday I posted a quick tip for customizing your website listing in LinkedIn. This tip is a follow-on about making the most of the website you list.
BlogLink is a LinkedIn application that pulls in feeds from your connection automatically, so you get to see what they are up to in one spot. And, if you set up your website listing properly, your data will filter into your connections BlogLink feeds. So, how does this all work? It’s quite simple, just follow the steps below.
Stay On Top of Your Connections
To keep up with what your connections are doing, simply navigate the the BlogLink application and add it. Once you’ve added it, you then have the option to display it on your profile and/or your homepage. When you add it to your profile, it will display the four most recent items of your feed in your LI profile. Adding BlogLink to your homepage, you have the ability to see your connections feeds (as well as your own) right from your homepage.
What’s nice about this is that your connections do not have to be using BlogLink in order for you to get their feeds. As long as they have a blog in their list of websites, they will show up in your feed.
Setting Up Your Feeds
The really neat thing about this is that all you have to do is make sure your blog is listed in your profile’s website listing. What even cooler is that BlogLink, although primarily focused on blogs, will also pull other feeds such as Twitter. As you can see below, I have this blog and my Twitter profile listed as websites. BlogLink pulls both of these feeds automatically, which will appear on your LI profile as well as the feed of any of your connections using the application.
How Does All of This Look?
This first image below show what the BlogLink feed looks like on your profile. This is what people would see when they visit your LI profile, if you choose to have it displayed.
This image shows you how the feed looks from your homepage. Here you can view your connections’ feeds, or click on the By Me tab to see your own feeds. Conversely, when a connection adds BlogLink you will appear in their feeds.
For more information about BlogLink, including FAQs, visit their website.
Don’t forget to read my related post Quick Tip for LinkedIn: Customizing Your Website Listing if you haven’t already. It provides information on setting up your website listing for your LI profile.
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